3D Class

Project 1
Casting using Algenite and Plaster

View from top

The palm and the inside

View from another angle

Project 2:- creat part of the face using algenite.
First Step
You have to apply vaseline on you face, and then mix the silicon well and pour it slowly on your whole face. Make sure you cover your eyes with any type of an eye patch , in our case we used pieces of a garbage bag.The mask will need around 10-15 minutes or less to dry.

Second Step
After the silicon mask dries, peel it off, place the mask carefully in a box and you make sure it is very stable so you can pour the wet plaster and fill it with it. Leave it approximately for half an hour or more.

Third Step
Once you remove the silicon mask, your face is ready for the next step which is using clay on the plaster face. you can make the shapes you want. In our case we were experimenting the nose only.

Fourth Step
You apply vaseline and baby powder to the clay and then mix another amount of silicon and slowly pour it on the nose.

Fifth step
Take the silicon nose out off the clay and add another thin layer of silicon in it , just to cover the whole thing. After the layer has dried and taken off you can start using it.

Sixth Step
Color the silicon piece that you've made and glue it on your face and use make up or paint to set your overall image.
Right side
Left side
The overall with the wig.

Project 3:-
Create a full costume using the previous materials.

First step,Getting Inspiration:

The first idea that occurred to me was a plastic face, very exagerrated features, blown cheeks, blown lips, tattoo eyebrows. But a distorted overall.

Another second idea is a half half face, same parts but one for a woman and the other for a man, and maybe I can add in a hat for the man and a wig for the lady. The reason i want to do this is that i really want to see the male version of me and how would that look.

After choosing the idea and doing the work, Photoshoot time :)



Guy half

Trying to act in a masculine way

Girl half
Two sides look